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Food & Nutrition

Food & Nutrition

Food is a basic human need and an essential part of bringing the whole gospel to a village. A mother cannot hear the gospel over the cries of her hungry child. Having enough to eat moves families beyond the struggle to survive and allows them to focus on the future for their children. Providing food for today and offering sustainable ways for families to produce nutritious food long-term opens the way for transformation.

How You Help

Emergency Nutrition

Your gift provides powerful nutrition to severely malnourished children in the form of emergency ‘nutripackets,’ full of essential vitamins and minerals that help nourish a child back to health. Each child receives a three-month supply of nutripackets and is carefully monitored for weight gain and health.

Emergency food

Where families are starving and have no means of getting food because they are displaced, their livelihood has been disrupted by extreme weather, or their country is at war, your gift provides food rations that are distributed at local sites or door-to-door. Where possible, families are given a voucher to use at local markets, which also supports the local economy.

Improved Farming Methods

Your gift helps feed families long-term by training moms and dads in the most effective methods of farming, vegetable gardening, and fishing. Your gift provides training and tools that enable families to have a nutritious diet and extra income.


When you give a cow, goats, chickens, or ducks, a family has an ongoing source of nutrition and income from milk and eggs. When the animals reproduce, their offspring are sold for income.

Local Story

Ayudo’s Garden Changed His Life

In Kuanya village in South Sudan, young resident Ayudo barely had enough food to feed himself, and he didn’t have a consistent way to make an income.

But that’s all changed.

Two years ago, Ayudo joined a vegetable farming group where he received seeds to help re-start his floundering garden. Between getting seeds, learning to how best plant them (lines instead of scattering) and how to care for the soil, he now has his own garden that grows enough vegetables to eat and sell at the market.

Now, Ayudo has nutritious food on the table and money to pay school fees for his brothers. He even bought a few new outfits for himself, his first new clothes in years.

Ayudo is beyond grateful for this type of farming knowledge, and he sends his thanks: “I want to thank you for empowering me and showing me the way!”

How We Help

The context in each village is unique. We start with the most critical, urgent needs: water, food, and safety. Long-term, families are equipped to earn income and support themselves. They become healthier, and begin to save and plan for the future. And through it all, they experience the transformative power of God’s love.

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