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About Us

About Us

World Concern is about extremes. We go to the end of the road to serve people in extreme need because we have an extreme calling—to be the hands and feet of Jesus to a broken world. We follow Him to the thirsty. The hungry. Exploited. Traumatized. Forgotten. We Listen. Walk alongside. Equip and train.

We see transformation in communities as families move beyond survival. The thirsty drink clean water, the hungry have food, children learn, the enslaved are free, the hopeless find peace with God.

Our work is never a quick fix; transformation takes time. When a community is thriving on its own and can envision its future transformed, we know our work is finished.

Our Why

Jesus is our model of being present with others. Incarnate. With them—in the flesh—in brokenness, and in healing and reconciliation.

We Are in the Hard Places.

We go to the end of the road—and keep going. To places others can’t or won’t go. Places that are hard to reach, dangerous, forgotten. We are there.

“World Concern came to the end of the dirt road. Then they began flattening the bush and grass, making the road longer, to reach the people who need help.” – Deng, former witch doctor turned pastor in South Sudan

We currently work in 12 countries: Haiti, Laos, Bangladesh, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Chad, Democratic Republic of Congo, Uganda, Kenya, Somalia, and South Sudan.

Reaching the Unreached

At World Concern, we are uniquely called to serve those the world has passed by, forgotten, and ignored—to show them they are seen and loved.

Our Approach

Meeting physical needs is critical—water, food, safety. True transformation is also spiritual. Help that is both physical and spiritual is powerful and will last.

The World Concern Difference

Our work looks different in every community because we start by listening, identifying what the unique needs are, then partnering with the community to address the greatest needs.

We work in unity with communities as our partners, ensuring the transformation is community-led and sustainable.

We stay until the work is complete, walking with communities long-term.

Our Mission

World Concern partners to transform the lives of poor and marginalized people through disaster response and sustainable community development. The love of Christ compels us to pursue reconciliation and equip those we serve, so that they may in turn share with others.

Our Vision

A world transformed from poverty to the abundance of life.

The Meaning of Our Logo

The butterfly is a God-given example of transformation. The four sections of the butterfly represent God, World Concern, our supporters and partners, and the people we serve. The swirl in the center and the butterfly itself represent the mutual transformation we strive for.

More About Us

Interested in learning more about World Concern? Meet our leaders, read about our 65-year history, or explore opportunities to join our global team.

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