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Clean Water & Health

Clean Water & Health

Good health depends on clean, disease-free water. When you give clean water, illness from water-borne diseases and parasites no longer hold families in a cycle of sickness and poverty. Parents are strong and able to work, children can focus and learn at school, and entire villages become healthy. Access to safe, disease-free water is often a critical first step toward transformation for an entire village.

How You Help

Access to Clean Water

Whether through digging village wells, installing rainwater collection systems on homes and community buildings, or providing water filters that remove 99% of germs, bacteria, and parasites at the household level, your gift ensures children and families are healthy and have safe, disease-free water for life.

Sanitation & Hygiene

The cycle of sickness is broken when families understand the importance of using toilets, washing hands, and keeping themselves and their surroundings clean. You’ll help build latrines, provide vital hygiene training and supplies, and deliver handwashing stations and more to remote villages.

Medicine & Disease prevention

Deworming medicine is one of the most cost-effective ways to fight poverty. For just 44 cents, you can cure a child from parasites that cause pain, steal nutrients from food, and stunt growth. The 44-Cent Cure, along with malaria medicine and bed nets and other prevention measures, children can grow healthy and stay in school, and families are free from disease and sickness.

Local Story

Clean Water Brought Health & Joy to Haen’s Family

Haen is a mother of three young girls, and all she wants is for them to be healthy. But without clean water, Haen knows her girls will keep getting sick.

She walks 20-minute to a small pond to fetch water.

Water she knows is not clean. Water that makes her two daughters sick.

“When we drink the water, we get sick with diarrhea and stomach pain,” Haen shared. “We try to treat our pains by boiling palm tree leaves in water, but it doesn’t help.”

Recently, when the pain was overwhelming, Haen and her girls traveled to the health clinic to seek relief. With little money to spare, this trip to the clinic added more stress to the struggling mother.

Haen knows her life would be different if she had clean water. It is all she wants for her daughters.

When you give, a family like Haen’s will receive a water filter that will completely change their lives.

That’s exactly what happened when Haen received a water filter from World Concern. Instead of murky, disease-filled water, Haen now fills a glass of clear, clean water for her girls.

I’m sure you can imagine the relief this brings to a mother like Haen.

Since using the water filter, the pain in their bellies is gone. No more costly trips to the clinic. No more sleepless nights. Just water free of diseases to enjoy and nourish her growing girls.

How We Help

The context in each village is unique. We start with the most critical, urgent needs: water, food, and safety. Long-term, families are equipped to earn income and support themselves. They become healthier, and begin to save and plan for the future. And through it all, they experience the transformative power of God’s love.

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