Pagisi, Uganda


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300 partners needed

This is Pagisi

Despite the green hills and streams surrounding Pagisi in the mountainous countryside of Uganda, the reality of day-to-day life is harsh for the villagers who call it home.

The water sources aren’t clean, and water-borne diseases like cholera are making children and parents sick. And unclean water is not the only thing making them sick. The nearly 1,000 families that live in Pagisi are hungry eating just one meal a day—a handful of beans and vegetables.

The people of Pagisi are ready for change.

You can help transform their community by partnering with them as a One Village Transformed sponsor.


Pagisi Needs

Clean Water

A village well will bring safe drinking water so families are healthy.

Food & Nutrition

Farming training and tools will enable families to grow plenty of nutritious food year-round.

Economic Empowerment

Parents will learn job skills, join savings groups, and be empowered to support their children.

Spiritual Transformation

You’ll support local church leaders and bring the hope of Christ to Pagisi.

Celina and her helpers
Local Story

Celina’s Story

Celina is elderly and weak. A 70-year-old widow, she is up each day with the sun working her coffee fields and walking the hour to an unclean stream outside Pagisi village in Uganda—just to survive. Though her stomach rumbles with hunger, she eats only one meal a day of beans and vegetables. She is poor, and yet, her spirit is generous. Celina has nine children who rely on her every day for a hot meal. Three orphans and six village children find safety in her small hut.

“The children make me happy,” Celina says of the nine children. “The orphans had no one to care for them, so I took them in. The other six children eat at their homes but they are still hungry so they come to me for more food.”

Celina loves her children, but her face wrinkles with worry when she speaks of their future. She is old and poor, and she dreads the day she will no longer be able to care for them. She dreams of a better school that can pull them from the same poverty she suffers. She prays for clean water for them to drink so they don’t share the deadly fate of so many in their village. But she cannot stay with them much longer. She is eager for them to have the tools they need to thrive on their own.

God has not forgotten Celina, the orphans in her care, or the people of Pagisi. Together with you, they can experience true transformation and a future bright with opportunity.

Become a Monthly Partner

Your monthly gift of $39 will meet physical and spiritual needs and bring lasting change to the families in this village. Join the transformation in Pagisi today!

Partner With Pagisi  »

Mother and baby