Barthiang, South Sudan


South Sudan
Partner with Barthiang  »

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300 partners needed

This is Barthiang

Hidden amidst teak and mahogany forests in the remote north of South Sudan, is Barthiang village, a vulnerable community of 280 families – generous in spirit yet desperate for change.

Though fertile soil abounds, a lack of farming knowledge keeps most families from producing enough food to eat. And clean water is in short supply since Barthiang’s sole well stopped working; they hope for rain to quench their thirst. With no school nearby, children stay home, unable to learn to read or write. And with no local church, the community is seeking hope beyond themselves.

The people of Barthiang are ready for change. The transformation of Barthiang village from a life of extreme poverty to one of joyful abundance is possible with your support.


Barthiang Needs

Clean Water

A village well will bring safe drinking water so families are healthy.

Food & Nutrition

Farming training and tools will enable families to grow nutritious food year-round.


A village classroom, supplies, and teacher training will educate children.

Spiritual Transformation

You’ll support local church leaders and bring the hope of Christ to Barthiang.

Asunta and her children
Local Story

Spiritual Freedom for a Mom Trapped in Idolatry

Asunta Agoth is a widow and mom of three children who lives on the extreme fringes of Barthiang village. She struggles to find food for her little ones, and up until recently, had little hope for a better future for her family.

Asunta was trapped in a dangerous practice of idol worship that is common tradition in the remote bush of South Sudan… trapped in spiritual darkness, and in physical poverty. Everything she had, she paid to witch doctors who promised to heal her sickness and make her life better.

Before her husband passed away, he and his family installed a wood idol in front of their home, which Asunta was forced to worship. She had to sacrifice precious sources of food and income, like chickens and goats, regularly to the idol.

What’s worse, when she or a family member was sick, the witch doctors would demand goats or even a cow (a valuable commodity that she couldn’t afford), or threaten that her family member would die.

“Sometimes you may pay a chicken, you may pay a goat, you may pay a cow, and even money. Or that person will die automatically. The witchdoctor will take all away, the cows, the goat, the chicken and the money, yet the person would still die,” she explained.

Then, one evening, everything changed for Asunta. As part of the One Village Transformed program, the Jesus Film was shown in Barthiang, and Asunta attended the showing. She learned about her need for forgiveness and reconciliation with a loving Savior named Jesus Christ, who offered salvation as a free gift. That night, she received Christ as her personal savior.

Asunta and her three children were recently baptized during a prayer service that meets under a tree in Barthiang.

“I’m very happy now,” she exclaimed. She’s learning God’s Word by listening to a solar-powered audio bible in her native language. “I’ve learned that if you quarrel with somebody, you need to forgive.”

Asunta is grateful for those who are partnering with her village and that her life is much better now that she is walking with Jesus.

Become a Monthly Partner

Your monthly gift of $39 will meet physical and spiritual needs and bring lasting change to the families in this village. Join the transformation in Barthiang today!

Partner With Barthiang  »

Gathering around the water hole